Move your goods anywhere around the world at your desired pace and smooth your clearance process to keep your goods moving.Move your goods anywhere around the world at your desired pace and smooth your clearance process to keep your goods moving.VV
As one of the world’s largest container shipping companies, we move 12 million containers every year and deliver to every corner of the globe
Intermodal Transport
Seamlessly move your containerised cargo from major vessel terminals to your designated inland locations by truck, rail or barge.
Less-than-Container Load (LCL)
Be it shipping small boxes or pallets, our LCL services ensure on-time shipment and delivery.
Solving your logistics needs from A to Z
Logistics doesn’t have to be complicated. With Maersk, all your needs are covered from end to end with one solution, one partner, and one seamless supply chain, allowing you to focus on what your business does best.
Get an all-in-one package to integrate everything from transport and warehousing to customs and supply chain management – or take advantage of our specialised expertise to meet the unique demands of your industry.
By industry
Unlock seamless logistics with just one solution, one partner, and one seamless supply chain. Get a comprehensive solution to address all your business needs from end to end – or discover solutions tailored to your industry.
The Network of the Future
Learn more about the Network of the Future, an innovative network powered by leaner loops with fewer port calls per service, an extensive shuttle network, and industry-leading hubs.
With the new East West network, our ambition is to deliver a flexible and well-connected ocean network that aims to provide unmatched and industry-leading reliability above 90 percent (as measured by SeaIntel) when the new network is fully phased in.